Views Read Edit View history. He has gone on to tour across the East African region and in the U. In , he released his debut album On Fire. He came to fame in through a star-search contest on Kenya's urban music station Nameless has been featured in a song with the Kansoul, " moto wa kuotea mbali" which has received favourable reviews. nasinzia by nameless

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NameLess - Nasinzia Nikikuwaza

South African pop group Jamali 's the wildly popular song "Maisha" was the subject of so much controversy with allegations that Jamali had stolen the song from Nameless. Sinzia is Swahili for "falling asleep" so "nasinzia nikikuwaza" translates as "I'm thinking of you as I fall asleep". The Kenyan artiste has been wowing university student crowds at the MTN Late Chat concerts with his syrupy ballad that has also left radio listeners flustered.

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Nameless - Sinzia Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Retrieved from " https: Nameless' hit Sinzia is all the rage. In the song, Nameless whose real name is David Mathenge sings about the girl who preoccupies his thoughts nasinzai he falls asleep. Archived from the original on It has worked and the song earned him three of the four Kisima Awards he won last July. To address comments or complaints, please Contact us.

Nameless (musician)

He came to fame in through a star-search contest on Kenya's urban music station Fatherhood has also tamed the year-old singer and watching his daughter grow is now one of his major preoccupations on top of crafting saccharine hits.

Marriage and lately fatherhood have seen Nameless make lifestyle changes that have made his singer wife Wahu and their daughter the centre of his life. Some think it is deep while others nameleds it is mostly shallow.

This page was last edited on 25 Septemberat By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Channel O Award nominees released Archived at Archive. They have two daughters, Nqmeless who was born inand Nyakio born namfless The song has been interpreted in various ways. They have two daughters, Tumiso and Nyakio.

Nameless (musician) - Wikipedia

Inhe released his debut album On Fire. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

nasinzia by nameless

The song was conceived after a friend who imagined he was a lady's shoe and what he would see. Languages Kiswahili Edit links.

The lines in which he promises to protect the woman that has helped him turn back from his randy ways should exonerate him from all those that think he is acting sexist.

What tickles most people about the song is how it oscillates between puppy love and near-raunchy lyrics. I was intrigued that he had no inhibitions," Nameless explains. To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here. Some say the woman is so enchanting I can't help thinking about her as I fall asleep while others say the woman must be so boring she causes me to sleep," Nameless explains.

nasinzia by nameless

He went on to sign with the Ogopa Deejays label in and collaborated with artists such namrless the late E-Sir on "Boomba Train," and Amani on the regional hit "Ninanoki" in which broke Kenyan chart records by remaining nearly four months at number one.

We need to confirm your email address. At the time, Nameless nasinxia afraid his foray into music would jeopardise his university studies so he went for an alias and wore a mask at performances to conceal his identity.

This was the turning point in his musical career. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct.

He has drawn the ire of purists before on his song Ninanoki that had a line about removing underwear. Even with the demands of his musical occupation, Nameless still finds time to practice architecture.
