In other projects Wikimedia Commons. Find a destination by typing its name in the search tool located on the top bar. The size of all currently available data sets is about 4. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. CONS Sluggish when it comes to image resolution The closer you zoom in the more information overcrowds your screen Search function can be erratic. nasa world wind 1.3.4

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Earth sciences portal Solar System portal.

NASA WorldWind

Too bloody difficult to wodld it running. X DirectX 3D polygon mesh models and advanced visual effects such as atmospheric scattering or sun shading. Virtual globe software development kit.

nasa world wind 1.3.4

Many people using the applications are adding their own data and are making them available through various sources, such as the WorldWind Central or blogs mentioned in the link section below.

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NASA World Wind 1.3.4

Map and View the Earth". A digital globe wouldn't be complete without its own search option. Download and installation help. This page was last edited on 22 Septemberat Free Download for Windows. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there.

The more you focus down on a place the more names of cities and significant locations pop up. The resolution outside the US is at least 15 meters per pixel.

Downloading File /World Wind .NET// - NASA WorldWind - OSDN

Views Read Edit View history. Another of World Wind's assets is its usability. Click on the tag and you will be directed to the Wikipedia page for that particular landmark, where you'll be able to read all about it.

World Wind points to significant landmarks which should be of interest to students or history amateurs. There should be a simple installation. No thanks Submit review. Blue Marble exposes Earth in its true colors, Landsat 7 gives you high resolution imagery, and MODIS can display time relevant data such as earthquakes, fires or floods.

Since WWj is an SDK, there is no single application; instead there are any number of applications using WWj, each with different functionalities, created by government agencies and commercial developers from around the world. Landmarks are particularly well catalogued.

The latest Java-based version 2. GeoGebra Flexible and free mathematical software.

NASA World Wind - Download

Virtually visit any place in the world. Many new changes including: This is an example of how WorldWind allows anyone to deliver their data. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.

Focus in on its craters, deserts and plains and search for Apollo 11's landing site. To inspire the next generation of explorers So what sets World Wind apart from Google Earth?

Dreaming of an ad-free web? World Wind's real selling point is the quality of its satellite imagery.

nasa world wind 1.3.4

NET included support for.
